
Our multiplex PCR-based analytical methods provide unique precision in their results

Genetic Background Testing

GVG Genetic Monitoring has developed an entirely new method for high-precision genetic characterization of mice and rats and their allocation to strains and substrains.

Genetic Background Testing

GVG Genetic Monitoring has developed a new technique for high-precision genetic characterization of mice and their allocation to strains and sub-strains. The technology is based on the use of so-called STR (Short Tandem Repeat) markers known from forensic genetics. In short, we have transferred genetic fingerprint analysis from human genetics to laboratory animals.

The identification of any mouse inbred strain (even from different breeders) with only a single set of STR markers, allows unprecedented genetic differentiation, even between substrains of any inbred strain. We can assign DNA regions to specific mouse strains and thus characterize even mixed genetic backgrounds.

Our goal is to set a new "gold standard" in substrain characterization, especially with regard to the quality of experiments as well as the repeatability of experiments.

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